When I was growing up, I didn't think much about the weather unless it was inconvenient.
I didn't like rainy days. The snow was pretty, but only good for skiing. My favorite sky in the summertime was cloudless and sunny.
But since I started beekeeping, I have a different view.
Yes, rain and snow are inconvenient in an urban lifestyle.
Nobody wants to get soaked on their way to work. Or scrape snow and ice off their windows and drive through poorly plowed roads.
But now, when it rains, Andrew and I actually dance up and down with joy.
And this past weekend, when we were stuck inside as it snowed 20 cm (almost 8 inches) of fresh powder, we kept looking out the window, astonished, and shouting:
That's because our farm has been suffering from drought for 4 years now.
Every year, we are so hopeful about the crops in the fields, and the harvest that the bees will bring in.
But since there isn't enough moisture in the soil, and not enough coming from the sky, everything dries up.
So when we get a big cracking thunderstorm or a wallop of snow, that gives us a bit more hope for the coming year.
And not only for ourselves, but also for all the farmers who need the moisture for the food they are growing.
Without this moisture, everyone's food and crops would suffer.
So if you're out there shoveling your sidewalk, I hope you see it as a good workout and a blessing for your local farmers!