The Farmers

Hi, we're Angela and Andrew.
Our business is pretty simple. We make honey and caramels from our bee hives on our family farm.
But why honey?
We think everyone deserves a bit of sweetness in their life. We believe that everyone deserves to eat food that is 100% pure, delicious, and good for you.
Andrew's family started beekeeping in the 1970s. Over the decades, most of our honey was sold in bulk to other food processors.
It turns out, honey became one of the most adulterated foods in the world. Processors everywhere were buying bulk honey and mixing it with cheap sugar syrups. Or, they were heating and filtering the heck out of the honey to make it consistent and easy to package. All in the name of reducing costs.
In 2016, we started Three Foragers. We were frustrated with how disconnected the food system has become. How we can buy food from across the world at the grocery store at cheaper prices than from our local farmers. How high-quality, unique, flavorful ingredients were disappearing in favor of food that was uniform, easy to ship, and had a long shelf life.
So, we set up a steel honey tank and bought a few hundred empty jars. The first year, we packed all our honey by hand. Every weekend, we set up a stand with a custom purple tent (we loved that tent) at the local farmers' market to sell our jars. It was obvious to us and our customers how different our honey was from the liquid syrup at the grocery store.
Since then, a few things have changed...
We bought a honey-filling machine and creamer so that we could churn our honey into a creamy, soft texture. We started making candies with our honey using an antique 1920s wrapping machine. We still process everything in tiny batches in a tiny facility so that we can make sure that our honey stays high-quality, unique, and flavorful.
Like I said, it's pretty simple. Three Foragers products are for people who are tired of buying overprocessed food. It's for people who pay attention to where their food comes from, and what goes into their bodies. It's for people who want to eat food that's made from scratch and isn't pumped with additives. It's for people who see being wealthy as having a body and mind that will be healthy for a long, long time.
It's for people like us. Shop our honey and honey treats and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see what we're up to.