The REAL spring is here

Our bee truck arriving back home in Saskatoon on a beautiful spring evening.

What's new on the farm:

Happy Sunday! For those of us in Canada, it's Victoria Day weekend, which unofficially marks the start of gardening season!

Hopefully, with no more cold overnight temperatures, we can start putting flowers and veggies into the ground and enjoy the quiet satisfaction of growing things.

I love to see the native plants and perennials start to pop out of the ground after a cold winter.

Lilies are my favorite, and when you drive up to the national park here in Saskatchewan, you can see beautiful native red prairie lilies bringing pops of color to the ditches along the highway.

As for our bees, this is also the time of year when they are sent from their winter home on Vancouver Island back to the prairies.

We received two truckloads of our bees over the past week and have been working on moving them back to the out yards.

A good sign this year we are seeing in the fields is that we have been getting some rain! Our area of Saskatchewan has been in a drought for over three years now. It has been very hard to grow food in these conditions.

But so far this year, we are seeing dugouts fill back up, and perennial crops like alfalfa are already looking lush and thick.

If this continues we hope that means lots of beautiful white honey to harvest!

Honey Lime Vinaigrette Recipe

If you're celebrating the long weekend by hosting company, or just want to enjoy something light and fresh for dinner, try out this sweet vinaigrette to dress up your veggies.

Honey Lime Vinaigrette

1/4 cup lime juice
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp honey (I like to use our Lemon Ginger Honey for extra citrus!)
1/2 tsp cumin

Whisk together and toss it over a chopped salad. It's super refreshing with corn, black beans, avocado, tomatoes, red onion and cucumber!

Recipe from

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