Real honey, straight from the earth.

We love honey. Harvested from the nectar of flowers, it's truly a wondrous food.

It comes right from the earth, no processing needed, and is abundant in nutrition that will help you eat well so that you can live well too.

But it turns out that almost 33% of all the honey in the world is adulterated.

What's more, over 70% of honey in North American grocery stores is blended with cheap syrups, or ultra-processed and stripped of all its nutrition.

We're here to give you honey the way it should be: pure, unblended, and full of vibrant nutrition and flavor to support your healthy lifestyle.

Get the good stuff.

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We make the best honey in the world - and that's not just according to us.

Our pure Creamed Honey won Platinum at the 2022 London International Honey Awards.

Taste our award-winning honey
  • Better Digestion

    Our prairie honey promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria to keep your digestive health in balance.

  • Better Immunity

    Naturally antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal to suppress coughs, improve sleep, and keep your immune system strong.

  • Better Nutrition

    Using as little processing as possible allows all the pollen, vitamins, antioxidants, and beneficial nutrients that the bees put into the honey to stay there.

  • Better Energy

    The complex nutrients in our honey allow our bodies to process it better than refined sugars and avoid sugar crashes.

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