· By Three Foragers
Happy Earth Day to All of Us
A beautiful arbutus, just about ready to bud, on the beach near our Vancouver Island apiary. Happy Earth Day!
Live green, eat wild!
As beekeepers, we pay special attention to many details that surround us: are those trees budding yet? When will those bushes bloom? How close are we to the nectar flow? And constantly - weather, weather, weather. Some years we get too much rain, or smoke from far away forest fires, or not enough clear, sunny days for bees to fly out and work. Other years we get lucky and the rain comes at the right time and goes away at the right time too, and the bees are buzzing happily and the honey is plentiful.
We are so lucky that our work gives us a front seat on what's going on with Earth each day. Not only today but every day we are inspired to Live Green and Eat Wild. Eat local, live sustainable, care for each other, care for our planet.
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