The Bee-log

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    Our Secret To Making Honey Caramel Treats

    Special care is taken to create our honey caramels. They are made with simple ingredients, like raw honey, to create a rich and flavourful treat.

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    Comparing Raw Honey To Refined Sugar

    Refined sugar and raw honey are both sweeteners, but that’s where their similarities end. Discover what makes raw honey superior to processed sugar.

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    How Honeybees Get Their Jobs

    There are three types of honeybees on our honey farm. Each type is responsible for a different job so the colony can flourish! Here’s how bees get their jobs.

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    10 Undeniable Reasons To Love Bees

    Ten undeniable reasons to love bees. If you didn't already love them enough, here's why bees are so incredible and important to everyone on the planet.

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    Our Favourite Raw Honey And Bee Facts

    The best honeybee and raw honey facts that you need to know, straight from our honey farm. Includes a sweet infographic too!

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    Life Lessons Learned On Our Honey Farm

    Bees can teach us a lot about life, communication, and teamwork. This is what we've learned these past few years on our honey farm.