Candle Care

Burning a candle is easy, right?

Yes it is, especially once you learn our tips for getting the most out of your new beeswax candle.

Trim the wick to 1/4 inch before lighting

  • Every time you burn your candle, trim the wick to ¼ inch before lighting. This removes carbon build-up on the wick and ensures an even flame. It also prevents your flame from being too large for the amount of wax available, which will cause your candle to burn unevenly and produce soot.

Burn your candle for 1 hour for every inch in diameter size

  • Beeswax is a very dense wax that should be burned for long sessions. The first time you light your new candle, burn it until the liquid pool of wax almost reaches the edge of the candle, which can take up to 3-4 hours. 

  • For subsequent burning sessions, light your candle for at least 1 hour per 1 inch in diameter of the size of the candle. For example, a 3-inch candle diameter should burn for approximately 3 hours. Aim to have the melted wax pool reach the edge of the candle or glass jar by the end of each burning session.

  • Taper candles are the exception because they have a narrow diameter that is usually less than 1 inch. They can be burned for a brief or as long as you like.

  • Remember: never leave your candle unattended while it is burning. If you must leave, put out your candle no matter how long it has been burning. Never risk your or your family’s safety for the sake of maintaining your candle.

Don’t burn your candle for short periods

  • When you extinguish a candle before the liquid wax pool reaches the edge of the candle or glass jar, this can cause a tunnel to start forming around the wick. This tunnel will get deeper over time if the user repeatedly burns the candle for shorter periods. 

  • When this tunnel is too deep, eventually, the amount of airflow that can reach the flame will be inadequate, and the candle will fail to stay lit even with plenty of wax remaining.

  • Life happens, so sometimes you do have to extinguish the flame before the liquid wax pool reaches the edge. If this happens, make sure that your next burn session is long enough to allow the liquid wax pool to once again reach the edge of the candle.

Avoid drafts and vents, and keep your wicks straight

  • Your flame should burn straight upwards and calmly, not flicker wildly or at a slant. A draft will push your wick to one side, causing the candle to burn unevenly and even drip down one side if left long enough. Position your candle in an area away from vents and open windows to avoid drafts.

  • If your flame is flickering excessively, your wick may be too long or have too much carbon build-up on the tip. Put out the flame, trim your wick, and re-light it.

  • When a candle has burned for a long time, the cotton wick will naturally curl to one side to avoid too much carbon build-up at the tip. If you leave the wick leaning to one side, the candle will also burn unevenly since the flame is closer to one side. You can straighten the wick with your wick dipper or pencil.

Use a wick dipper or your candle lid to put out your candle

  • For cotton wicks, you can use a long stick (even a pencil) or wick dipper to press the wick into the liquid wax to put out the flame, and then lift the wick back out so that it is properly centered. This method puts out the flame without producing smoke.

  • For wooden wicks, you can use a candle snuffer to cover the flame and put it out with minimal smoke. You can also loosely cover the flame with the lid of your candle to snuff it out.

Cracked beeswax is a part of life

  • Pure beeswax is a very hard, dense wax that shrinks while cooling, and you may find this can lead to cracks in container candles or larger diameter candles if the wax hardens quickly. The crack will fill in with liquid wax when the candle is lit again, and it will not impact the burning of your beautiful candle. 

  • Some candlemakers will blend beeswax with softer waxes like soy, coconut, or even paraffin to avoid the look of these cracks. 

  • We see these cracks as part of the nature of pure beeswax candles. Being a hard, dense wax can lead to cracks, but it is also the reason why beeswax burns for much longer than any other wax. Instead of using unwanted additives, we embrace this unique property of beeswax as part of having a truly hypoallergenic and long-burning candle.

Every beeswax candle is truly unique.

Like honey, the flowers that the bees have gathered their pollen and nectar from will affect the composition of their beeswax. As a result, beeswax burns very differently from other types of candles. Treat this beeswax candle with care, and it will return the same to you!

Shop beeswax candles What goes into making your Beeswax candle